"Remember the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running."

--  Sarah Condor

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Ugh! Awakened to a hot, sultry, summer day in December for the 2004 Dallas Marathon. Not pretty. Not under 4. Struggled to the finish line. After Chicago and San Diego, my third and last.

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of course the dallas marathon starts with a horse, where's dennis maust?
Dallas Marathon 2004
pick it up! i still don't see dennis maust
Dallas Marathon 2004
dennis maust, there you are! running around white rock lake
Dallas Marathon 2004
dennis maust at the finish line, from one angle
Dallas Marathon 2004
dennis maust at the finish line, from another angle
Dallas Marathon 2004
whoa! back it up, dennis maust
Dallas Marathon 2004
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"Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right."

--  Henry Ford

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